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Worst Celebrities- Hollywood's Meanest and Most Arrogant

May 30, 2023
1 min read
Worst Celebrities- Hollywood's Meanest and Most Arrogant

No matter how lovely or putrid Hollywood celebrities may be, fans will forever cherish their talent and charisma portrayed on-screen. That doesn’t mean that the worst celebrities in the entertainment world have had their sins either forgotten or forgiven. Especially in today’s world of social media and blazing-fast internet connectivity, news of the modern day, as well as that of the past, makes its way around the world in seconds. That being said, even the bad behavior of our favorite television and movie stars, AKA the worst celebrities, of days past are still being shared among fans, day-in and day-out.

We can’t say that being a celebrity isn’t tough. It is! But that doesn’t relieve these worst celebrities of their poor choices. Only time will tell if these celebrities have truly turned another corner. Still, take a second to discover some of the worst celebrity offenders in the industry.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts

After her career skyrocketed following her film Pretty Woman, everyone considered Julia Roberts to be a complete sweetheart. However, in 1991’s Hook, in which Roberts was cast as Tinkerbell (by Steven Spielberg), it was reported that Roberts would lock herself in her trailer for hours. When her tantrum was over, she would show up late, and forego any apologies. Cast and crew called her 'Tinkerhell' for her immature behavior.

Guy Fieri

Guy Fieri

Aside from choice words meant to alienate certain types of people, Guy Fieri was reported to have stormed out of a restaurant taping for an obnoxious (let alone, bigoted) reason. Fieri reportedly created a scene all because a gay couple, his words – 'those people' were running the restaurant.

Naomi Campbell

Naomi Campbell

Although she is known as one of the world’s celebrity supermodels, Naomi Campbell is quite the diva. Throughout her career, Campbell has garnered a poor reputation  thanks to her aggressive tactics. She’s been known to throw phones at maids, having been convicted of assault four times. Furthermore, there are eleven accusations of violence against employees.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow

She may be an Academy Award-winning actress with an even more luxurious lifestyle, but Gwyneth Paltrow can also be a demanding diva. For instance, during a visit to a Michelin-starred restaurant in London, Paltrow seemed to be disgusted with the menu. She announced loudly 'I can’t eat this stuff. Let’s just go up to my suite and order room service.' Lovely…

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise

Thanks to his over controlling attitude, inappropriate outbursts, and heated discussions about fellow celebrities, Tom Cruise has become the center of attention, for all the wrong reasons. He mentioned that Brooke Shields was 'irresponsible' for using prescription medication to treat her postpartum depression in 2005. Cruise received great backlash, alienating some of his female fan base.

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel

We may see her on New Girl as the unbelievably cute Jess Day, but offscreen, she’s anything but. Aside from one of her superfans feeling disappointed after meeting Deschanel (feeling utterly dismissed during their meeting), many of her co-stars claim that she is downright rude. If set schedules don’t work out as planned, she’s known for throwing tantrums.

James Corden

James Corden

Although his late-night host personality and shenanigans have made him famous worldwide, a few know of his dark side. Outside of work, Corden is known for using the 'do you know who I am' line a little too often.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is one of the biggest stars in the entertainment industry. Ironically, she refuses to talk to other 'service' industry workers. During a flight, an flight attendant asked what she would like to drink. She then turned to her assistant, allegedly telling her 'Please tell him I’d like a Diet Coke and lime.'

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen

Known for his troubled, bad-boy public image, Charlie Sheen was once at the top of the list of highest-paid TV actors. However, opinions drastically changed when he was fired from Two and a Half Men. He called one of the show’s producer a 'turd' and wanting 'nothing but pain' for the man.

Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer

Shumer really opened up her comedy career through her famous bits and the four-season run of Inside Amy Schumer. The problem is that her comedy career has nastily overtaken some others. In 2018, while Brendan Sagalow was headlining a comedy show, Schumer interrupted to rehearse some of her jokes.

Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal

Over the years, Steven Seagal has been known to be a bully. His stature and non-stop rants and critiques almost got him fired from guest hosting SNL. Tim Meadows noted that Seagal argued over every little thing and complained about the cast, crew, writers, and fellow actors.

Spike Lee

Spike Lee

Although his movies have yielded notable awards and mentions, Spike Lee hasn’t earned the same treatment. Stories have been passed around over the years mentioning his unmotivating speeches at colleges, even going so far as to call some 'rednecks' and 'racists.' Other times, he left way before his scheduled ending time, leaving students with questions speechless.

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron

The South African-born actress may be incredible at her job but she may not have the personality for the real world. Supposedly, actress Tia Mowry approached her after a spin class for a simple hello. However, after Mowry welcomed her, the actress reportedly rolled her eyes and said, 'Oh my god.'

Mike Myers

Mike Myers

During the filming of The Cat in the Hat, Meyers’ co-star Amy Hill stated that working with the actor was a nightmare. He would fire cast and crew that looked at him 'incorrectly,' have a dedicated individual feed him chocolates as he made his way across set, and even hold up production for hours on end.

Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler

Like the others on this list, Tyler doesn’t have the greatest public image. During a five-hour wait to enter the Museum of Modern Art (Los Angeles), a fan noted that Tyler walked to the front of the line, expecting to be allowed inside.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

During an interview with fellow comedian and actor, Adam Sandler, the Hunger Games star revealed that she isn’t too keen about public spaces. She admits that she becomes rude to avoid interaction with fans.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp

Much like his Pirates Of The Caribbean character, Captain Jack Sparrow,  Johnny Depp is known to be an unpredictable pirate of sorts. Not only have former bodyguards filed suits against the cheap actor, he was famously outed for blaming destruction of a New York hotel room on an armadillo.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Catherine Zeta-Jones may look innocent standing next to her husband, Michael Douglas, but she may not be after the cameras disappear. She had the nerve to mention that she wasn’t 'sorry' for acting and marrying a movie star.

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan

We may call him the G.O.A.T, but this basketball legend is also known for being a despicable guy. Regarding fans, he once pushed away an old woman who sought his autograph. He’s also known for taking advantage of restaurant servers, requesting special treatment and items without leaving an appropriate tip.

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres

She’s been known to tell her audience to be kind to one another but she hardly follows through herself. In fact, she can be quite vile with numerous stories by cast, crew, and fans alike to back up these claims. During one brunch, it was mentioned that the server that catered to Ellen be fired because of her chipped nail polish. Harsh? Absolutely.

Katie Couric

Katie Couric

Despite the broadcast journalist powerhouse she has become, Couric is not a kind cookie. In fact, she would ridicule Ann Curry’s outfit right before cameras turned on. This was meant to throw off her confidence.

Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire

In 2014, Maguire made a new name for himself when he was playing poker at Molly Bloom’s Poker table. Bloom explained that Maguire was a 'sore loser' and the 'worst tipper.' He even goaded Bloom to 'bark like a seal who wants a fish' for a thousand-dollar chip piece.

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey

This one has us beat. Over the years, Carey has been asked about her opinion of Jennifer Lopez, interestingly enough, another name on this list. Carey responded, 'I don’t know her.' She’s repeated this response several times over the years, even though the two have met.

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay, famed international chef, is much like his on-screen character. A former assistant manager in one of his London-based restaurants overheard him screaming at his assistant… at least over the phone. Supposedly, furniture ordered for a Christmas Eve dinner were not up to par. Ramsay blew up – 'They’re so terrible I wouldn’t throw them on a…bonfire!'

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

If you’re surprised to see Reese Witherspoon on this list, then just know, so are we. During a 2013 traffic stop, she responded with the overarching Hollywood elite method – 'Do you know my name? You’re about to find out who I am. You’re about to be on national news.' Not cool.



Rihanna certainly portrays a sassy persona in her music, but apparently the Barbadian singer is also just as sassy in real life, specifically to her undeserving fans. In 2013, she was filmed smacking a fan over the head with a microphone at a concert in Birmingham, England, and then a year later she publicly mocked another fan for wearing a prom dress that was designed as a tribute to her. How rude!

M. Night Shyamalan

M. Night Shyamalan

The famed American film director reportedly makes his presence known to everyone on set – and not in a good way. One Reddit user who was an extra in one of his films said that Shyamalan would walk around the set chatting up all the women, and would completely ignore all of the men. Not to mention, he’s also apparently a bad tipper. Not a good look, dude.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart

Kristen Stewart is already known for her stoic facial expressions, and apparently her real-life personality isn’t too cheerful either. She’s been known to start both physical and verbal altercations with people while on set. She also, of course, cheated on Robert Pattinson, so that’s certainly not doing her any favors!

Shaun White

Shaun White

Shaun White may be one of the world’s best snowboarders, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t entitled from time to time. He’s reportedly closed down entire ski resorts so that he could ensure that he’d be the only one there. But perhaps the worst thing he’s done was ditch kids from the Make-A-Wish Foundation who just wanted to snowboard with him for a day. That’s just cruel, man.

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson has come under fire many times for his inappropriate behavior, so it should come as no surprise that he made our list. In 2006, Gibson was arrested and went on a racist tirade against Jewish people, and called the female police officer a multitude of sexist names. He’s also gone on the record saying that he doesn’t believe that men and women are equal.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift had the reputation of being America’s sweetheart for a long time, but apparently she’s become more entitled over the years. But with all of the celebrity and relationship drama she’s been involved in, we can’t say we’re too surprised. One Reddit user wrote about a time when their family member changed her flat tire and she acted very entitled during the ordeal. But what can we say? When you have that much power and money, you can act any way you want with few consequences!

DJ Khaled

DJ Khaled

DJ Khaled landed himself in hot water in 2018 when he made some sexist remarks about his wife, and stated that women should treat their husbands like 'kings.' The statements angered fans and fellow celebrities alike, and he has yet to apologize or take back any of his statements. But honestly, is anyone surprised that a guy who likes to yell his own name in other people’s songs is entitled?

Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones hates talking to journalists, and apparently he won’t meet with fans either. But honestly it’s probably for their own good, because Jones once made a reporter cry during an interview – all while cracking walnuts with his bare hands. He also once told Jim Carrey that he hated him. Who does that?

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz is yet another celebrity who seems to despise meeting fans. Those who have had the opportunity to meet her have said that not only is she rude, but she also refuses to give out autographs. She’s even been known to lecture people about why they shouldn’t ask for autographs at all! Talk about a killjoy…

Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller

Despite the comedic roles he often plays, apparently Ben Stiller doesn’t have much of a sense of humor in real life. In fact, he’s been called egotistical, and on the set of the movie Meet the Fockers he was upset that he wasn’t waited on hand and foot at every moment of production!

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