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Vocal GOP Trump critic Chris Christie expected to launch 2024 presidential campaign next week

By Eric Sterling
May 31, 2023
1 min read
Vocal GOP Trump critic Chris Christie expected to launch 2024 presidential campaign next week

The former Republican governor of New Jersey and vocal critic of Donald Trump, Chris Christie, is expected to launch his 2024 presidential campaign next week, according to reports. In recent months, Christie has been a vocal opponent of Trump’s “dangerous” behavior and divisive rhetoric. However, it remains to be seen how his criticisms of the former president will play with the Republican base, which remains strongly pro-Trump. Christie is likely to focus on his record as a successful governor and his ability to “bridge the gap” between the two parties. He will also emphasize his experience as a prosecutor and his commitment to fiscal responsibility. While Christie faces an uphill battle in the GOP primary, his candidacy could provide a much-needed alternative to Trumpism within the Republican party.

What caught my attention about this article was the potential for Chris Christie to break from the Trump loyalists in the Republican party and offer a more moderate alternative. As a former governor of a Democratic-leaning state, Christie has a track record of working across the aisle and getting things done. However, his criticisms of Trump could also backfire among the party faithful who remain fiercely loyal to the former president.

Overall, the article highlights the ongoing tension within the Republican party and the search for a post-Trump identity. Whether or not Christie’s candidacy will gain traction remains to be seen, but his entry into the race could signal a shift away from the divisive rhetoric and partisan gridlock that has defined American politics in recent years.

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

Freelance Reporter

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