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Utah district bans Bible in elementary and middle schools 'due to vulgarity or violence'

By Oliver Gallo
June 03, 2023
1 min read
Utah district bans Bible in elementary and middle schools 'due to vulgarity or violence'

So, I read this article about how a district in Utah has banned the use of the Bible in elementary and middle schools due to “vulgarity or violence”. Sounds pretty crazy, right?

From my understanding, this district has prohibited the use of religious texts in schools because they contain passages that could be inappropriate or violent for young students. They’re worried about the impact it could have on impressionable minds.

Personally, I can see why some people might be upset about this decision. As someone who grew up in a religious household, I know how important the Bible can be to some families. But at the same time, I also think it’s important for schools to prioritize the safety and education of their students. It’s a tricky balance.

Overall, I think this article raises some interesting questions about the role of religion in education. While I don’t necessarily agree with the ban, I can understand where the district is coming from. It’s definitely a complex issue that requires thoughtful consideration.

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Oliver Gallo

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