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Tucker Carlson video score massive view numbers on Twitter

By Maya Ito
May 11, 2023
1 min read
Tucker Carlson video score massive view numbers on Twitter

So, I just read this article that talks about Tucker Carlson, you know, that opinionated guy on Fox News, and apparently, he’s been killing it on Twitter lately. The video he posted where he goes on a rant about the importance of outdoor mask mandates and how they’re a sign of widespread stupidity has been getting insane views. Like, millions and millions of people have watched it, and it’s not just political junkies, apparently.

Basically, Tucker’s video has been blowing up because it taps into this ongoing debate about public health measures during the pandemic and how they’ve become politicized. Some people agree with him that masks are unnecessary outdoors and are a sign of overzealous government control, while others think it’s a no-brainer to wear one whenever you’re in public.

Personally, I think the whole mask-wearing thing has gotten out of hand. I mean, I get why we need to take precautions and be mindful of others, but sometimes it feels like we’re being asked to do things that don’t really make sense or that are just for show. Like, have you ever worn a mask while you’re outside and no one else is around? It’s almost like we’re trying to prove something to ourselves or other people.

Anyway, back to Tucker Carlson. It’s interesting to see how much influence he has on social media, especially since a lot of people don’t really take him seriously or think he’s just spreading fake news. But I guess that’s the thing with social media, right? Numbers don’t lie, and if a video gets a lot of views, then it must be resonating with someone.

Overall, I think this article highlights the importance of being aware of what we consume online and not just mindlessly clicking on whatever is trending. It’s also a reminder that even people we don’t agree with can have a big impact on our opinions and beliefs. So, next time you see a viral Tucker Carlson video on your Twitter feed, maybe take a minute to consider why it’s so popular instead of just dismissing it.

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Maya Ito

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