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Stefanik: 'If Your Last Name Is Biden' You Get to Live by Separate Rules

By Sophie Hawthorne
June 21, 2023
1 min read
Stefanik: 'If Your Last Name Is Biden' You Get to Live by Separate Rules

I just read an article that caught my eye about a politician named Stefanik who seems to think that if your last name is Biden, you get special treatment. Basically, she’s calling out the Biden administration for supposedly playing by different rules than the rest of us. And whether or not you agree with her, it’s kind of an interesting point.

One of the big things Stefanik is focusing on is the way the Bidens are handling the border crisis. According to her, they’re letting in all these immigrants without really checking to make sure they’re safe or healthy. And while some folks might see that as being compassionate, Stefanik thinks it’s a double standard. After all, most of us can’t just waltz into another country without getting checked out first.

But it’s not just immigration that’s got Stefanik riled up. She also thinks that the Bidens have been pretty hypocritical when it comes to COVID rules. Basically, she’s saying that while the rest of us have to mask up and stay socially distant, the Bidens seem to be doing whatever they want. For example, they were recently spotted walking around without masks on even though there were signs all around reminding people to wear them.

Now, I’m not super into politics, but what I found interesting about this article is that it touches on a bigger issue in our country right now: the idea that some people are more equal than others. Whether it’s because of their last name, their job, or their social status, there are definitely folks out there who seem to get away with more than the rest of us. And that can be pretty frustrating.

All in all, I think this article is a good reminder that we need to hold our politicians accountable, no matter what side of the aisle they’re on. And while I may not agree with Stefanik on everything, I think it’s important to listen to what she’s saying and think about whether or not we’re all playing by the same rules.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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