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Rep. Harshbarger endorses Donald Trump to be president: 'Biden administration has failed us'

By Eric Sterling
April 17, 2023
1 min read
Rep. Harshbarger endorses Donald Trump to be president: 'Biden administration has failed us'

So, I just read an article about Rep. Harshbarger endorsing Donald Trump to be president again. I mean, who saw that coming? But honestly, it’s not surprising considering how the Biden administration has been doing.

Basically, Rep. Harshbarger is a Republican from Tennessee and she’s saying that the Biden administration has failed us. She claims that the border crisis is out of control, inflation is soaring, and the Afghanistan situation was a disaster. She even went as far as to say that it’s driving people to vote for Trump again in 2024.

Now, I’m not really into politics that much, but I do know that this is a big deal. It just shows how divided our country still is and how passionate people are about their beliefs. It’s also interesting to see politicians crossing party lines like this.

Overall, whether you agree with Rep. Harshbarger or not, it’s important to stay informed and educated on current events. Who knows? Maybe we’ll end up endorsing someone for president one day. Let’s just hope it’s not a reality TV star.

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

Freelance Reporter

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