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Pollak: House Should Open Impeachment Investigation into Biden for Bribery

By Jason Nguyen
June 09, 2023
1 min read
Pollak: House Should Open Impeachment Investigation into Biden for Bribery

As the 2020 Presidential election heats up, new allegations of wrongdoing are emerging from both sides of the political divide. One of the latest claims comes from Breitbart Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak, who argues that the House of Representatives should launch an impeachment investigation into former Vice-President Joe Biden for bribery.

Pollak’s argument centers around an apparent conflict of interest that Biden had while still in office. Specifically, he claims that the VP used his position to help his son Hunter’s business ventures in Ukraine, while his son sat on the board of a corrupt energy company that was under investigation. Pollak asserts that Biden’s actions constitute a “quid pro quo”—an exchange of favors for personal gain—and thus qualify as bribery.

It’s worth noting that the allegations against Biden are still just that: allegations. However, there is some evidence to suggest that something fishy may have been going on. For instance, Biden himself admitted to pressuring Ukrainian officials to fire a top prosecutor who was investigating the company that Hunter worked for. Biden has claimed that he pushed for the prosecutor’s ouster because he wasn’t doing his job, not to protect his son’s interests. But some have questioned that explanation.

Pollak’s call for an impeachment inquiry into Biden is likely to be met with skepticism by Democrats, who have long accused President Trump of using his office for personal gain. However, it’s worth remembering that allegations of misconduct by elected officials should always be taken seriously, regardless of their political party or affiliation. As voters, we have a right to know if our leaders are serving the public interest or their own. The question now is whether there’s enough evidence to warrant a formal investigation into Joe Biden’s actions while he was Vice-President.

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