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Nolte: Mr. They/Them's 'Flash' Could Lose $150 Million

By Maya Ito
June 28, 2023
2 min read
Nolte: Mr. They/Them's 'Flash' Could Lose $150 Million

So I just read this article titled “Nolte: Mr. They/Them’s ‘Flash’ Could Lose $150 Million” and it’s a doozy! It caught my attention because I’m a big fan of superhero movies and this one seems to be a pretty big deal.

Basically, the article talks about how the upcoming movie “Flash” could potentially lose a whopping $150 million. Yikes! The film is being directed by Andy Muschietti, who has had success with the “It” movies, so I was really looking forward to this one. But it looks like the production is facing some serious issues.

According to the article, the main problem seems to be the ballooning budget. When they first started out, they thought the movie would cost around $100 million, which is still a lot of money, don’t get me wrong. But now, it has spiraled out of control and could end up costing a staggering $350 million. Holy cow, that’s a whole lot of cash!

So what’s causing this budget mess? Well, apparently, some of the blame falls on the shoulders of the stars. Ezra Miller, who plays the Flash, apparently had some demands that added to the production costs. Come on, Ezra, do you really need a diamond-encrusted suit?

But it’s not just the budget that’s causing worry. The article also mentions that Warner Bros., the studio behind the movie, is struggling to find a release date that won’t overlap with other big superhero movies. I can see why they’d be concerned about that. You don’t want to release your film at the same time as, say, a new Avengers flick and get overshadowed. That would be a disaster!

So, what’s the big deal here? Well, losing $150 million is no joke, especially in the movie industry. It could have serious repercussions for the studio and for future superhero movies. It might make them think twice about taking risks or giving big budgets to projects like this.

In conclusion, the article shed light on the potential financial troubles faced by the “Flash” movie. With a budget that seems to have gone out of control and the challenge of finding a good release date, the film could end up losing a whopping $150 million. It’s a cautionary tale for Hollywood and a reminder that even superheroes aren’t immune to financial setbacks. So, if you’re a fan of superhero movies like me, keep your fingers crossed that “Flash” doesn’t become a flash in the pan!

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