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NAACP puts Florida under 'travel advisory' due to DeSantis' 'all-out attack' on Black Americans

By Elias Herrera
May 22, 2023
1 min read
NAACP puts Florida under 'travel advisory' due to DeSantis' 'all-out attack' on Black Americans

So, I read this crazy article about the NAACP putting Florida under a “travel advisory” because Governor DeSantis is apparently waging an “all-out attack” on Black Americans. Basically, DeSantis signed a bunch of laws that target voting rights, criminal justice, and education, which the NAACP sees as discriminatory and harmful to Black people in particular.

It’s pretty wild to think that in 2021, we’re still dealing with this kind of stuff. When I hear about laws like these, it just reminds me of how important it is to stay aware and active in fighting for justice and equal rights.

I mean, I’m not the most politically savvy person, but I do know that Florida has a history of voter suppression and racial tension. So, it’s not exactly surprising that the NAACP is taking action like this. And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if other states start getting put on travel advisories too.

The bigger issue here is that people’s rights and freedoms are being restricted simply because of the color of their skin. That’s not okay, and it’s not something we should tolerate. So, if you’re planning a trip to Florida anytime soon, maybe think twice and consider supporting other vacation spots that aren’t actively working against Black Americans.

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Elias Herrera

Elias Herrera

Lifestyle Columnist

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