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Man Allegedly Shoots Little Girl After Her Basketball Rolls into His Yard

By Maya Ito
April 20, 2023
1 min read
Man Allegedly Shoots Little Girl After Her Basketball Rolls into His Yard

So, I just read this wild article about a man who allegedly shot a little girl after her basketball rolled into his yard. I mean, what kind of person does that? Apparently, this guy had already had issues with neighbors before, so he was probably just looking for an excuse to do something crazy.

Basically, the story goes like this: the girl’s ball rolled into the man’s yard, and when she went to retrieve it, he came out with a gun and fired several shots. Thankfully, the girl survived, but what a terrifying experience for her and her family.

This is just another example of the gun violence problem we have in this country. It’s so sad that innocent people, especially children, have to pay the price for someone else’s hatred or fear. And it’s not just shootings like this - there are so many preventable deaths every year that could be avoided if we had stronger gun laws.

I know not everyone agrees on this issue, and I respect people’s different opinions. But I hope we can all agree that we need to do something to stop senseless violence like this. It shouldn’t be a political issue - it’s a human issue. Let’s work together to make our communities safer for everyone.

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Maya Ito

Maya Ito

Entertainment Reporter

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