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Kim Kardashian admits 'I cry myself to sleep' while juggling 'good cop and bad cop' duty as single mom

By Sophie Hawthorne
May 21, 2023
1 min read
Kim Kardashian admits 'I cry myself to sleep' while juggling 'good cop and bad cop' duty as single mom

So, I just read this article about Kim Kardashian and I was pretty surprised by some of the things she revealed. The article talks about how Kim cries herself to sleep sometimes because being a single mom is tough work. She has to play both the good cop and bad cop when it comes to disciplining her kids, and that can be exhausting.

Apparently, she’s trying to find a balance between being strict with her kids and being their friend. She wants to make sure they know she’s there for them, but also wants them to understand that there are consequences for their actions. Sounds like a pretty tough gig to me!

As someone who’s not a parent, I can’t fully relate to what Kim’s going through, but I know it’s not easy. My mom used to say that being a parent is like being a juggler – you’re always balancing a million things at once. And from what I’ve heard from my friends who have kids, that’s definitely true.

Overall, I think this article is important because it highlights the challenges that come with being a single parent. It can be easy to judge someone like Kim who’s in the public eye, but at the end of the day, she’s just a mom trying to do her best. I think we could all use a little empathy and understanding when it comes to parenting – it’s not easy!

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

Freelance Writer

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