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Jewish groups, allies demand CUNY Law lose funding after student's 'vile' anti-Israel commencement speech

By Elias Herrera
May 30, 2023
1 min read
Jewish groups, allies demand CUNY Law lose funding after student's 'vile' anti-Israel commencement speech

So, there’s this article about how Jewish groups and their allies are demanding that CUNY Law loses funding! Why, you ask? Well, apparently it’s all because of a “vile” anti-Israel speech that was given during the school’s commencement ceremony.

From what I gather, a student delivered a speech that was critical of Israel and its policies towards the Palestinian people. While some people appreciated the message, others thought it was offensive and crossed a line. So now, Jewish groups are calling for the school to lose its funding because they feel like their beliefs are being attacked.

I can’t say that I’m an expert on this topic, but I do have a personal anecdote that might shed some light on why this issue is so controversial. I have a friend who is Jewish, and they are passionate about Israel and its right to exist. However, they are also critical of some of its policies and actions towards Palestine. It’s a nuanced and complicated issue, and I think that’s part of what makes it so difficult to talk about.

At the end of the day, I think it’s important to have conversations about these kinds of topics, even if they make us uncomfortable. We need to be able to respect different perspectives and work towards understanding each other better. So, while I don’t have all the answers, I hope that we can all continue to have these conversations in a respectful and open-minded way.

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Elias Herrera

Elias Herrera

Lifestyle Columnist

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