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Elon Musk: 'Cis' And 'Cisgender' Considered Slurs on Twitter

By Jason Nguyen
June 22, 2023
1 min read
Elon Musk: 'Cis' And 'Cisgender' Considered Slurs on Twitter

So I read this crazy article about Elon Musk and it turns out some people on Twitter are calling him out for using the words “cis” and “cisgender”. Apparently, these words are being considered slurs these days!

Basically, the article explains how Musk tweeted something about being a “cis male” and then got backlash for using the term. A lot of people are saying that it’s disrespectful to use the word “cis” because it implies that being a regular, non-transgender person is the default and that transgender people are somehow different or abnormal.

Personally, I never even knew that “cis” was a term until a couple years ago when one of my friends came out as transgender and started using it to describe people who aren’t transgender. Before that, I never really thought about the fact that there was even a word for it!

But it makes sense that people might take offense to that term now that I think about it. It’s kind of like how people are trying to use more gender-neutral language these days instead of automatically assuming everyone is a “he” or a “she”. I can see how using words like “cis” or “cisgender” could be seen as perpetuating that kind of narrow-minded thinking.

In the end, I think the important thing is to be respectful and aware of people’s feelings and experiences, even if it means changing the way we talk about things. It’s a small thing, but it can make a big difference. Plus, who knows - we might even learn some new vocabulary along the way!

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Jason Nguyen

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