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Democrat state senator arrested after admitting to keying car with ‘Biden sucks’ sticker: police

By Ryan Wu
June 27, 2023
1 min read
Democrat state senator arrested after admitting to keying car with ‘Biden sucks’ sticker: police

So, I read this article that you won’t believe. Apparently, a Democrat state senator was arrested after confessing to damaging a car with a ‘Biden Sucks’ sticker on it. I mean, what kind of political statement is that?

According to police reports, Alaska State Senator Lora Reinbold was caught on CCTV footage keying the car in a parking lot. When confronted by the authorities, she admitted to her actions and even went on to justify them by saying that she was exercising her right to free speech.

Now, this story personally caught my attention because I’ve always found it weird when politicians get involved in petty feuds. I mean, aren’t they supposed to be working to improve people’s lives instead of wasting time on silly things like bumper stickers?

Anyway, back to the article. It also mentioned that Senator Reinbold has a history of making controversial statements and defying COVID-19 mandates. So it’s not really surprising that she’d do something like this.

In conclusion, this story highlights the need for politicians to stay focused on what really matters - serving their constituents. We don’t need more drama and petty fighting in politics, especially during such a critical time for our country.

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Ryan Wu

Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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