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Colorado teacher calls for 'FORCEFUL cultural revolution' targeted at 'whiteness': 'This is sacred'

By Kevin Sato
May 19, 2023
1 min read
Colorado teacher calls for 'FORCEFUL cultural revolution' targeted at 'whiteness': 'This is sacred'

This is an interesting article that caught my attention. It’s about a Colorado teacher who calls for a “FORCEFUL cultural revolution” that aims to target “whiteness.” She believes that this revolution is necessary because “whiteness is evil.”

The teacher, who openly admits that she wants to be called by her pseudonym, Tania, claims that “whiteness” is a racist ideology that should be eradicated. She argues that “whiteness” is a system that perpetuates inequality and oppresses people of color. Therefore, a “FORCEFUL cultural revolution” is needed to dismantle this oppressive system.

During a recent webinar that Tania conducted, she stated that “whiteness” is a “diseased label” and that people need to stop identifying with it. She also argues that people of color need to be at the forefront of this cultural revolution and that it needs to be “FORCEFUL” because “this is sacred work.”

It’s worth noting that Tania’s teachings have sparked controversy and outrage among various groups, including parents, students, and politicians. Critics say that her views are divisive and promote anti-white sentiments. The school district that employs Tania has also received numerous complaints about her teachings.

The topic of race and identity has become increasingly relevant in today’s society. As we continue to grapple with issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, it’s important to have open and honest conversations about these topics. However, we also need to be mindful of the language we use and the messages we promote. While Tania may have good intentions, her approach to promoting cultural revolution may do more harm than good.

In conclusion, this article highlights the importance of promoting equity and inclusion in our society, but also shows that there are differing opinions on how to achieve this goal. As we navigate these complex issues, it’s important to listen to diverse perspectives and strive for a more just and equitable world for all.

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Kevin Sato

Kevin Sato

Business & News Correspondent

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