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Chinese tech companies are exploiting US green energy goals, former State Department officials warn

By Laura White
April 10, 2023
1 min read
Chinese tech companies are exploiting US green energy goals, former State Department officials warn

I just read this super interesting article about Chinese tech companies taking advantage of US green energy goals. It’s pretty crazy. Apparently, former State Department officials are warning that these Chinese companies are using loopholes in US regulations to basically scam the system and get more business.

Basically, US companies that produce green energy products and services qualify for government subsidies and tax credits, which just makes it all more affordable for people who want to go green. But these Chinese companies are flooding the US market with cheap products that are often made with cheap labor and lax environmental standards back in China.

So, not only are they undermining the US green energy industry and hurting US companies and workers, but they’re also not really doing anything to promote green energy in the long run. It’s more about making a quick profit.

It’s kind of annoying, but I can’t say I’m surprised. I know how cutthroat the tech industry can be. It’s just frustrating that the US government isn’t doing more to protect our own industries and make sure that green energy goals are actually being met in a sustainable way.

Overall, it’s really important for us as consumers to do our research and support companies that are actually making a difference in the green energy space. We can’t just assume that any product or service labeled “green” is actually environmentally friendly or ethical. Stay woke, people!

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