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Biden gets another Democratic challenger as Robert F. Kennedy Jr files to run for president

By Maya Ito
April 06, 2023
1 min read
Biden gets another Democratic challenger as Robert F. Kennedy Jr files to run for president

So, I came across this article that caught my attention. Apparently, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has thrown his hat in the ring to become the Democratic challenger against Joe Biden for the presidential election.

Kennedy’s name may sound familiar - he’s the son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 while running for president himself. A lot of people have mixed opinions about whether or not he’s a good fit for the job, but it’s definitely exciting to see another person throwing their name into the race.

The article goes on to talk about some of the issues that Kennedy is passionate about, such as social justice and climate change. He’s spoken out strongly against vaccine mandates, which may be controversial to some people.

Personally, I find it really interesting that there are so many different people running for president from different backgrounds and with different ideas. It just goes to show how diverse our country is and how many different opinions and priorities we have as citizens.

Overall, I think this is an important article to read because it gives insight into another potential candidate for the presidency. We should all be aware of who’s running and what their stances are if we want to make informed decisions come election time. Plus, it’s always interesting to see how the political landscape shifts over time.

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Maya Ito

Maya Ito

Entertainment Reporter

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