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Biden blasted for barking at reporter to ‘shush up’ during Japan G-7 summit: ‘If Trump does that…’

By Kevin Sato
May 21, 2023
1 min read
Biden blasted for barking at reporter to ‘shush up’ during Japan G-7 summit: ‘If Trump does that…’

So, I saw this article about Biden and the G-7 summit in Japan, and I gotta say, it raised some eyebrows. Basically, Biden scolded a reporter and barked at them to “shush up” during the summit. And people are calling him out for it, saying if Trump had done the same thing, he would have been crucified by the media.

Basically, a lot of people are seeing this as a double standard. Biden is supposed to be the “nice guy” president who doesn’t stoop to Trump’s level, but here he is barking at a reporter like a dog. And people are saying that if Trump had done the same thing, the media would have been all over him, calling him a tyrant and an enemy of the free press.

Personally, I think this is a pretty big deal. As someone who’s worked in media, I know how important it is to have access to government officials and be able to ask them tough questions. If the president can just bark at a reporter and tell them to “shush up” whenever he doesn’t like what they’re saying, that sets a really bad precedent. It makes it harder for journalists to do their jobs and hold those in power accountable.

But at the same time, I can also understand why Biden might have been frustrated. Being the president is a tough job, and I’m sure he’s dealing with a lot of pressure and stress. Plus, reporters can be really annoying sometimes (trust me, I know).

So, I guess my takeaway from all of this is that we need to find a balance. Yes, reporters should be able to ask tough questions and hold our leaders accountable. But at the same time, our leaders are human beings with emotions and limitations. We need to be respectful and understanding while still holding them accountable.

Anyway, that’s my two cents. What do you think?

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Kevin Sato

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